Artsbank Meets… FRONTLINEdance

FRONTLINEdance is a not-for-profit Stoke-on-Trent and Staffordshire based organisation, with a focus on dance and disability. Their aim is to is to increase self-esteem, confidence, teamwork skills and inspiration, to raise awareness of what is possible and promote positive responses to both disability and to dance.

Artsbank spoke to FRONTLINEdance artistic director, Rachel Lines, about project planning and funding, and why creating work in Stoke-on-Trent is important.

Check out our in-depth interview in the video above.

Learn more about FRONTLINEdance.


ARTSBANK MEETS… is all about capturing and sharing the experiences, knowhow and tips of Stoke-on-Trent and North Staffs artists, community groups and ‘movers and shakers’ who have been making great cultural experiences in the area.

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